Monday 28 January 2013

M1: Mechanisms that reduce the impact of communication barriers

Spelling errors – By using spell check on word documents enables all grammatical and spelling errors to be corrected by the click of a button. If it is a hand written document review any words you’re unsure of in a dictionary and make sure the hand writing is clear and consistent to be able to read.

Cultural differences – By researching the person’s culture can help you to understand them more and show that you are trying to overcome the difficulties. Also if language is the problem then having a translator whether it’s a person or the Google translator it will be able to communicate ideas to one another.

Disabilities – For those that have a sight disability than having Braille in the work place would benefit them profoundly. Also people with hearing disabilities would benefit from working with others that can do sign language enabling them to communicate with others that don’t have disabilities.

Body language – Having open body language allows everyone to feel at ease with each other and lets people build good working relationships with one another. This ensures no one feels like they can’t express different views to others and lets employees have the freedom of speech.

Distance – In the past employees would have found it difficult to interact with people in different countries but nowadays to overcome distance in a workplace employees could use Skype and emails to communicate their ideas.

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